always here for you
excellence at your service

Ferretti Group has always had two priority long-term commitments: assuring continuity of client relations and reflecting the concept of product excellence in the style of our increasingly comprehensive services too. With the strength and the connections of a major industrial group, Ferretti offers owners an array of aftersales services. These are developed with elite partners, designed exclusively for clients and customised specially for their yachts. When you buy a Ferretti Group yacht, you choose the pleasure of experiencing the sea in complete peace of mind, backed by a team of professionals committed to helping you make the most of your time on board every day, wherever you are on the globe.
The luxury of easy cruising

Spare Parts Warehouse
The Group Service Points stock over 8,000 components and spare parts at all times, even in the summer months. The network of decentralised warehouses at the dealer offices in the key areas of the USA and the Mediterranean brings you the parts you need, when you need them.
Services University
The Ferretti Group technical training school keeps our worldwide service network constantly up to speed. Technicians hone their skills and learn all about the various phases of production and maintenance for the numerous on-board systems.
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This training course dedicated to captains of Ferretti Group yachts and megayachts focuses on the complex daily management of a motor yacht. The intensive programme features a fascinating blend of classroom refresher courses and outdoor activities.
Ready for your call

All year round, Group clients can count on a team of experts ready to provide prompt solutions to any technical problem, assuring you safe, relaxing holiday.
Ph. : +39.0543.474445
LOW SEASON: 1st October – 30th April
MON-FRI : 8.30-18.00 (italian time)
SAT-SUN and HOLIDAYS : 9.00-18.00 (italian time)
HIGH SEASON: 1st May – 30th September
MON-SUN and HOLIDAYS : 8.00 am - 8.00 pm (italian time)
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